Do-it-yourself shelf for a car radio in Slavut (Tavria)


Described are different methods for installing a car radio in Tavria and Slavuta cars. An inventive (own) example of creating a shelf for a tape recorder in a car is also described.

Described are different methods for installing a car radio in Tavria and Slavuta cars. An inventive (own) example of creating a shelf for a tape recorder in a car is also described.

A standard place for a car radio in ZAZ Tavria or ZAZ Slavuta cars is not provided by the manufacturer. Therefore, motorists cope with this problem on their own.

One of the options is to install the car radio in place of the central ventilation nozzles. But, it must be borne in mind that the heating and ventilation system in these cars is designed in such a way that the side nozzles are ineffective, and the central ones are effective. Therefore, the car will be cool during the cold season.

Some motorists use an undesirable method in which the car radio is installed in the car's glove compartment. Thus, the radio is not visible from the outside at all, which to some extent protects against intruders. But at the same time, the volume of a not very large glove compartment is significantly reduced and, if necessary, there is no way to quickly switch to another station or reduce the volume. Also, the car radio can be cut into the torpedo above the glove compartment. But let's teach the same inconveniences as in the case of the glove compartment.

It is best to use an inventive method. In this case, to install the car radio, you need to take standard shelves from other car models. In the case of our car, the shelf from the VAZ-2105 will be the most optimal. It is very simple to set up. There are two sharp protrusions on the console of the shelf at the back at the top, under them from the bottom of the Taurichesky torpedo it is necessary to cut only two grooves with a knife (since the plastic is soft, this is done easily and quickly). We rest the console with the bottom on the floor, and these protrusions must be snapped into the prepared grooves with effort. Everything. A shelf for a radio tape recorder in Tavria is installed. At the same time, the console supports the torpedo from below, and gives it additional rigidity, since additional support appears, and then the torpedo does not rumble much. Our shelf is removed as easily as it is put.
